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L.T.A. Adventures

Learn Something New Everyday 

My name is Loghan Taylor Ashline and I would like you to be a part of my journey. Join me as I travel, photograph, write, drive, and mature. 

This is not a story for the faint of heart, but it is a place of genuine encounters and acceptance. I hope that you find inspiration, empowerment, and joy within these pages. 

I cannot promise that you will always enjoy the commentary, but I do hope that you will find joy in the pictures. 

My life has been built on a few key things and the most important of those is 

1. Faith  

God is my firm foundation. Everything that I have can be attributed to Him.


   God shares His word in many ways, sometimes difficulty strikes and we are deafened to His voice. Those times I will still be sharing my thoughts on this sight, while I hope it will never happen I am purely human and expect nothing less. So when these moments occur I write to show that we all go through things that are unplanned and unkind. We make it through. It is a fact of life, I believe in you just as strongly as I believe in myself.

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